September 23, 2012

Birthday Weekend

It's been a whirlwind around here the past few days. Hayden's birthday was Thursday and we've been celebrating for four straight days it seems.

He had a special surprise breakfast with dad Thursday morning before school started and then celebrated with cookies at school with his classmates. Unfortunately he had a bad tummy ache at dinner and had to leave early from the restaurant.

Friday evening we went to the carnival at Jenks and he had fun playing with his friend Jacob. We are really fortunate to have several school friends in our neighborhood and I've enjoyed getting to know all of the parents as well. Jacob is a sweet kid and the boys get along great.

Saturday we all headed to Andy B's for some glow bowling with a few friends from school, along with Justin Steph, Mary, Che, Dylan and Timmy. Hayden helped me make the Jupiter/Moon Mercury cookie cake. I'm sure he had a good time but I think our days of big themed parties is coming to an end. And even though I've scaled way back on my overzealous party throwing ways.. it all still felt like too much. Too much stress and not enough quality time together. But overall it really was a fun time.

Sunday morning we ended up going for a nature hike with Che at Red Bud Valley Nature Preserve. It's about a mile round trip and it is really beautiful. We were disappointed to find out that the caves were closed. Apparently the summer heat caused a lot of distress on the bats and they are doing their best to help them thrive right now. But we still had a fun time climbing around on the rocks and spotting hawks and cool trees on the path. Hayden struggles with these nature walks. He would much rather be home playing video games but I'm trying to introduce the world of nature to him as best I can. I don't want to force it, just expose him to it and hopefully he will eventually pick up on the peace it affords. 

And finally we spent the afternoon doing the final celebration at Nana and Grandad's house. More cake, presents and family. Hayden is truly blessed to be surrounded by so many people that love him.  

 It has been so amazing watching Hayden mature this last year. He has grown physically and emotionally. I know the divorce was not easy on him and he has struggled to gain his ground of security again. But I have seen such exponential growth and courage from him lately. I am proud of him in ways I can't describe and I can't wait to see what the next year brings for him.

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