February 21, 2013

Illusion of Judgment

"2am; where do I begin,
Crying off my face again.
The silent sound of loneliness
Wants to follow me to bed.

I'm a ghost of a girl that I want to be most.
I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well."
Christina Perri

Laying in bed at 8pm on a Thursday night. It's been one of those days and the above song plays on Pandora. Exactly...

A series of unfortunate events has knocked me onto a course of pain and deep grief.

It starts yesterday with a random annoying moment with a person on Craigslist. The details are unimportant but the trigger came when she boldly lied to me and refused to own it when I called her on it. "What a bitch" I thought as the energy of judgment and anger permeated my cells.

And in true Angie fashion I caught myself. Saw that she was really a silver platter to my own propensity to tell white lies when the truth is too hard to say. Why can't we just say what we really think and be honest?? Instead we mostly skirt through life taking the easy road, telling white lies, and keeping secrets that cause shame. We are all so fearful of losing happiness that we lose our integrity. I am just as guilty and I'm sure that's why it triggered me.

I tried to let the incident go but could feel a bigger lesson brewing for me. I prayed and mulled and meditated on all of this as I dozed to sleep last night. Intense dreams and memories flooded my consciousness again.

The conclusion came this morning that forgiveness is key. If we are truly all one, then judgment is an illusion. Forgiveness of others and myself is the only way through.

And so those memories that I try to keep tucked away in the dark places of my soul came back into focus. Those things I didn't have the strength of integrity to face or deal with stood front and center of my mind. And my inner bitch took a machete to my heart.

I read about forgiveness, asked a few close friends how they have dealt with it for others and for themselves. I pondered my own process of forgiving people in my past. How I can actually see the experiences as a gift because they made me who I am today. But still no answer for how to get through these actions in my past that I find egregious and worthy of separation from love.

They make me want to cast myself away on a island so that I can never hurt myself or anyone else again. But mostly they make me feel completely unworthy of the love I receive. I truly believe they are unforgivable. I know a million people before me have done the exact same things, but it doesn't matter. I was not true to what I believe and did not stand up when I should have.

Tonight I gave myself permission to put all the shit rolling around in my brain on the back burner and have a good night with the boys.

But that turned sour when another unfortunate event occurred as I walked in the door. Kids being kids and not being responsible for their stuff caused yet another iPod to go missing. I know it's just a material thing, but I get so frustrated when I see them take things for granted and not take care of their stuff. How big does the consequence have to be to learn this lesson??

We searched, I lectured, we called their dad to see if he could track it somehow. I am truly thankful that my ex has such an open heart for the boys. He saw immediately what I did not. That Ro was already beating himself up internally for losing it. He was so ashamed of himself and felt horrible.

The realization of what I had done poured all over me. I had continued the cycle that was passed down to me and that i continue to do to myself daily. Lecturing him had only added to the problem. He did not need another lecture. He knew the consequences, it will not be replaced and he will have to go without. My job as his parent is to teach him practical ways to take care of his stuff not reprimand him for failing to do so. My other job is to make sure he knows he is always loved no matter what mistakes he makes. I had failed to do both.

So I took a minute... Gathered all the strength I had left in me and went to cuddle with him on the couch. At bedtime we talked. I apologized. Told him I loved him no matter what mistakes he ever made or will make. We talked about the consequences and we will continue to talk about practical things he can do to be more responsible. But I think he went to bed knowing he is loved by both his parents very much.

But now, I feel dead. Exhausted emotionally. Both sad and proud of my actions. And left wondering how to draw the strength to show myself the same compassion I showed my child.

I feel lonely. Dying for someone to curl me up in their arms and tell me they will love me no matter what mistakes I ever make and for them to really mean it and follow through on that promise. Because I don't know how to give that to myself even though I know I am the only one who can truly do so.

February 14, 2013

Love on Love's day

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Lao Tzu

Wherever you are
However you feel
Whatever the challenges before you
May you know that you are unconditionally loved
and in return love deeply

My heart is bursting with gratitude for all of you today. We are in this thing called life together. Without you I would not be me and vice versa. Sending love, hope and light to all.

February 4, 2013

Find the light

I wish upon you peace
I wish upon you grace
I wish for less of what you want
And more of what you need

I wish upon you an old life
With a heart that stays young
But most of all I wish upon you love

I wish upon you truth
When all you feel is doubt
I hope you know that an open mind
Still knows when to shut things out

I wish upon you a brave heart
That will always rise above
But most of all I wish upon you love

As the sun sets the moon begins to rise
So even in the darkness you'll find the light

You'll find the light
You'll find the light

Yes, even in the darkness you'll find the light

I wish upon you an easy life
I wish upon you hard times
I hope you know that both joy and pain
Each need their moment to shine

I wish you ears that are quick to listen
That you're slow to use that tongue
But most of all I wish upon you love

As the sun sets the moon begins to rise
So even in the darkness you'll find the light

You'll find the light
You'll find the light
You'll find the light

Yes, even in the darkness you'll find the light

February 1, 2013


This kid

He amazes me.

He turned 11 this week. Eleven… really

It many ways it feels like he has always been with me, in others it seems like yesterday that I held him in my arms for the first time.

He and I celebrated his birthday by taking an adventure this past weekend.

Part of my old PTI group in Kansas arranged for two medicine men from Sedona to come to our cabin to lead a sweat lodge and healing weekend. I have missed not only the people from my therapy groups, but my spirit has been aching to return to the sweat lodge. It is the like a spiritual womb for me... A place to call out my prayers to the light and enjoy laughter and song with a community of open and loving people. I knew Roland would love it as well and I jumped at the opportunity to show him the place where my light was sparked so many years ago.

Over the hills and through the woods we travelled to the beautiful lodge on the pond. Roland enjoys personal space so the crowd was a bit much for him. We brought along our tent and ended up sleeping in a tent out on the deck over the frozen pond. Chilly!! But we sandwiched ourselves between two sleeping bags and 4 blankets and huddled close to each other to keep warm. We actually stayed pretty cozy and Roland didn’t even realize how cold it was outside (23 degrees) until he saw the frozen pond the next morning.

Saturday we spent time getting to know many new faces along with the two medicine men Adam Yellowbird and Joseph GreyWolf. They shared several ceremonies with us and passed on many lessons. I find it so interesting how most spiritual beliefs intersect with certain truths…

love, letting go, being in the moment, treating others as you would want to be treated, gratitude and accountability. There were many children and four legged friends at the retreat and I loved how they were embraced and honored for their innocence and wisdom. I know Adam and Joseph were touched as they shared their traditions and teachings with the young generation as well. I could see hope in their eyes as they saw the kids soak up these beautiful teachings.

“Be open to the possibilities”

“Right here, Right now. That is what matters.”

“Take a walk in nature. Hold a stone in your hand or lightly grasp a leaf. It will remind you that you are never alone. “

“Breathe in Love for yourself, allow it to flow in your body, release that love out to others and then shake it all loose and let go.”

“When you take something from nature, offer a personal sacrifice in return. Leave a hair, a drop of water, something of yourself to show you honor and appreciate the gift mother earth is sharing with you”

There were so many more but this last teaching moved me deeply. I am guilty of taking for granted everything we take from our precious earth without a single thought of gratitude. Water, food, air, fire… we could not survive without them. It is so important to be conscious and grateful of these gifts.

We had a little free time to explore in the afternoon so a few of us took a little hike over to the abandoned house I found a few years ago. It was so fun exploring with Roland. He had never been on one of these adventures and I could see the familiar spark in his eye. We tromped through the fields coming back and saw an armadillo and either a white tail deer or a wolf run off in the woods.

That evening the group divided into two groups for the sweat lodges. Joseph led a special (shorter) version for the children and mothers. He explained everything as we went through the ceremony and didn’t pour as much water on the rocks to make the heat less intense for the

children. It was such a fun and beautiful experience. Roland was not sure about going at first but I allowed him to make the decision for himself. Once the door was closed, Roland put his hand on my shoulder and said “thank you mom for taking me here. This is so cool”. Gratitude and Love poured between us… a beautiful moment I will never forget.

I heard rumblings of many more lodges to come and I look forward to sharing this experience with anyone else who will join me in the future. I think it will be awhile before Hayden will be ready, but I do hope to share the experience with him as well if he is open to it.

In order to be fully truthful the entire weekend was not an uplifting experience for me. A few bruised relationships from my past were pulled back to the surface again. I left feeling remorse, confusion, sadness and a bit of shame about them. But this week I have been able to let that go. I cannot change the past, nor force anyone to be my friend. I will always hold everyone I met at PTI close to my heart. They are in many ways like family to me. But I have had to choose to let some go even though the pain of their loss leaves a hole in my heart.