December 28, 2012

Broken pieces

"We go back... And back.. And back.. Through the layers of fear, shame, rage, hurt, and negative incantations until we discover the exuberant, unencumbered, delightful, and lovable child that was, and still is, in us." Melody Beattie

Melody Beattie is one of my heroes. I have never met her but read many of her books. When my life is hard I often think about the trials she endured and remember it could always be worse. But she gives me hope. She found her way through tragedies unimaginable to most. And she used them to grow and help other souls along the path.
Today I'm back to violently shifting moods. I wonder if its hormonal, a vitamin issue, the lack of time with Che, shadows rising, loneliness or a combination of everything. It's extremely frustrating and makes me feel unsafe to be alone. How can I trust myself when myself is shifting so strongly hour by hour?
I take time to breathe.... Breathe in the light, breathe in my healthy adult, breathe in Angelica (the spirit that protected Poppy), breathe in archangel Michael, and tonight I took a good look at the beautiful moon overhead and breathed in some of her energy as well. It calms me for a moment. The emotions soften and I feel like me again. But I'm left with the destruction they've caused and it tears my heart in pieces.
I know I'm going to get through this, learn from it, all that, but I'm so tired of climbing this mountain. I long for a peace that lasts. For clarity that will allow me to trust myself again.
Hope tells me it will come. To let go of the reins a bit and go for the ride. It will all be ok. I don't have to be perfect, no one else is either. But how do I keep my priorities and go for this ride? I have to create safety and a loving home for my boys. I honestly don't know the answer except to do the best and choose in their favor at every moment I can. And when I am alone, take care of myself, write, rage, do whatever is required in that moment. Most of all I must never give up or see myself as completely broken. I'm just on a journey to find my missing pieces and put them back together again.

December 27, 2012

Embracing 2013

2012 was a BIG year full of changes, accomplishments, failures, adventures and lessons learned.

The high moments were over the top, pinch me good…

Giving and Receiving Love and Acceptance with Che
Seeing Florence and the Machine in Kansas City and
being 10 rows from Roger Waters and the Wall
Running my first 5k, 10k, 15k and Half Marathon
Backpacking with Che through the Ozark mountains and so many other places too
Selling my first piece of art
Capturing beautiful families and raw powerful emotions with my camera
Hiking and Camping with the boys for the first time and seeing my role as their mother shift as they become older
Manifesting new friendships and then watching them appear before my eyes
Rekindling my love for vinyl records
Releasing emotional and physical shame that I never dreamed possible
And seeing the play that has entered my life as a result.. skinny dipping really is as fun as I thought it could be.

Of course there have been low moments as well…
Insecurity that continues to rise
Battling loneliness
Shadows that suck me into the depths and threaten to snuff out my light
Guilt and Shame from poor choices
And frustrations with difficult relationships.

But through the roller coaster, I can say 2012 really was one of the best of my life. I feel stronger and more confident, physically, mentally and spiritually. In 2011 I joined the one little word wagon and chose Hope to guide me through. Who knew that would be the year I would get divorced and have to rely on that simple idea to find my way. It guided me and sparked my light to live for myself and for my boys. As 2012 neared Che entered my life and a new focus began. Letting go is what he called it and I let the idea slip into my heart like a missing puzzle piece. I knew I had to step out of the bubble I had been living in for so many years and learn a new way of being - One that allowed me to be simply me with full acceptance. That acceptance continues to be one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.

As 2013 approaches I foresee a year that is less about letting go and more about embracing. They are really two sides of the same coin, but I want to focus this year on taking action. On being true and firm in my power to love. I want to embrace the everyday moments that come along with a peace and clarity that will create an easier ride for the journey. I know my emotions will continue to ebb and flow but I hope to find a way to allow them, honor them but not let them rule me. I believe the key is going to be in embracing them along with my inner passengers and shadows. Instead of hiding from the parts of me that I wish I could pretend don’t exist, I will embrace them with love. I will find the gift each one has to offer and make amends for the hurts they have caused in the past. I think everything has led me to this point in the road. Every challenge that I have overcome has given me a little more strength for the journey ahead. I have big dreams and I’m ready to embrace them fully and do what it takes to make them succeed.

December 26, 2012

Brave night

"Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away or become something better. It's about befriending who we are already. It starts with being willing to feel what we are going through. It starts with being willing to have a compassionate relationship with the parts of ourselves that we feel are not worthy of existing on the planet. If we are willing through meditation to be mindful not only of what feels comfortable, but also of what pain feels like, if we even aspire to stay awake and open to what we're feeling, to recognize and acknowledge it as best we can in each moment, then something begins to change." Pema Chodron

Staying brave today.

Running my hands along the walls of my heart searching for the light switch.

It's there and I will find it.

But while I look I'm befriending the part of me that lives in this
dark and dreary place.

She looks a lot like someone else I know...

That I have judged for choosing to stay in the dark

I rage against her hopelessness

But can see the same defeat in my own eyes

The overwhelm of generations of hurt and pain left uncleared

I can love all of these reflections without joining them in their gloom

I let go of trying to understand what is happening to me..

why I am in this place

Instead I allow the grief to wash in and out of my heart.

It has no words

Only waves of intense energy

Like a mermaid on the bottom of the sea I watch the waves crash over and over and keep my eye on the moonlit sky above

Once the dark night has passed and the waves are done crashing I will lose this tail and walk on dry land again with the sun on my face

But until I allow myself to be immersed in the waves of that dark and dreary place I will not be able to call this shadow a friend.

The goal is wholeness, not happiness

Though I have hope they will come together in time.

Hand in hand I will walk with her, with us, and we will find joy in the light.

December 14, 2012

We are not crazy. We are not alone.

For weeks now the longing in my heart has been intense. Old insecurities are showing their ugly heads and I have felt tired and dull.

I know something internal is off. Over the weekend I tried meditating and connecting with my girls. Afterwards I felt more centered but I had gone too far. Tried to integrate them both without enough groundedness and my inner girls starting fighting for front and center. I felt like I was slightly losing my mind. I put them back in their corners and decided to take that process a little slower.

Yesterday I ran across a post that talked about longing and how it is a gift. If we always felt comfortable we would never change. I know it seems simple, but for some reason it shifted my perspective.

Instead of seeing myself as broken, I saw myself as a soul on a fantastic journey.

My fire has not burned out. It is brighter than ever and screaming at me to not settle. The longing I have been feeling is divine. It is a place to begin and a call for more love and light. It is an invitation to heal and change. Even though the internal pain is deep and hard and feels almost unbearable, I welcome it as the gift it truly is.

I am so incredibly thankful for this shift in perspective. I often feel like a total loser when I’m in this off place. I have this theory that only joy and happiness is attractive and that I am repelling everyone around me when I’m contemplative, serious or depressed. I worry that everyone is tolerating me when I get to that place. I do still think it’s easier to be around people that are “up”, but I also know that we all go through times like this.

One of the reasons Che and I work so well is that he completely understands that when I’m in that place, the only thing he can do is share my space. He sees the internal battle inside of me, wanting him to rescue me, but wanting even more to fight for myself and use my own power to find my way. He walks beside me with a smile and I know he loves me even when I can’t see my own light. I do the same for him and it works so well.

So I decided last night after the boys were down and the house was quiet that it was time to do some deep self care and meditation again. I found a recipe for a detox bath. The amazing smells of ginger, angelica, lavender and rose oil relaxed my body so deeply. It was incredible. I went to the only meditation I know, following my breath. It is amazing what 15 minutes of focusing on breath will do. The fog cleared and I found my center. A few words came from a higher place and focused my mind.

“we are love”
“we are peace”

This morning as I ponder this all, I am reminded of the research that Dr. Emoto did with words and water crystals. I own all of his books and find them fascinating. I don’t know if his research is 100% accurate, but I do believe that our bodies are affected by the words and energies directed at them, both from other people and especially from ourselves.

Today I find myself riding the familiar emotional waves. Fighting the same insecurities and trying with all my might to just be. Here. Now. This breath. Just be. Let go of worry. Love myself. Love others and just be.

But it is hard my friends. I sat and watched the crowd during lunch with a friend. How many of us are unsettled. How many of us are wearing fake smiles, covering our wounds with business or alcohol. There has to be an answer. I know it. I looked at my friend and posed the same question to her. I asked if our meeting had helped her in any way and she said “yes, it helps to know I’m not crazy or alone”. I agree. It does help.

But as I come back to my desk I am made aware of the awful news that is permeating the air waves right now... a shooter in Connecticut has killed a room of innocent Kindergarteners. The tears fall and my soul aches. How can this happen? I don’t know. I feel sadness surrounding me right now but hope as well. Hope and peace are waiting. Even in the worst circumstances they are waiting with love and light. I cannot listen to the news for it is far too traumatizing. Instead I pray for all of them, for all of us. That we will find our way through the dark and back into the light.

December 13, 2012


"If we were all to sit in a circle and confess our sins, we would laugh at each other for lack of originality." Kahlil Gibran

I've experienced something similar and I have to agree. After we shed the tears and shame, we all had a great laugh at the ridiculous weight we had all carried. At the core we are all so similar. There is something very comforting in that fact. That we are not alone, even in our mistakes.

December 10, 2012

Letting the Light in

Things are still a bit disjointed over here, but I’m pushing forward and embracing the light wherever it finds me.

This place I’m in makes it difficult to write.. but I still feel the need to get these thoughts out there.. even if they are a tangled mess that don’t make sense to anyone but me. I know someday, years from now, I will look back at this. I will remember the mixture of joy and confusion I was feeling and be grateful that I chose to write it all anyway.

So here it is.. the random things running through my brain day and night.

Christmas – how it feels so different since I let go of religion. I struggle with how to celebrate with my children without getting caught up in the commercialism. I want our holidays to be focused on “togetherness” instead.

Gifts – I love to give handmade heartfelt gifts, but have had a lack of creativity this year. It’s frustrating. I’m procrastinating and not sure I will be able to get it all done. I guess this is another letting go thing, but it makes me sad

I miss running… and warmer weather. The cold makes me grumpy and unmotivated. I’ve got to find a new routine and remember that warmer days will return again. I am also still trying to figure out if I can run a marathon on my own or just wait for my friends to join me later in the year.

Disappointment is a mind set. I have a pattern of receiving a little “bad news” and allowing it to destroy my hopes and dreams. Obstacles are to be expected. They are challenges to overcome, not dead end streets.

Trying to find the balance between looking forward to things without allowing my happiness to be determined by them. Live for today… always. Hope for tomorrow, but live like today is my last. I know the reason why I struggle with this and I will find a way through it. New perspectives are needed I’m sure and a whole lot of gratitude.

I’m tired of feeling lonely and disconnected. I have more friends and family than I can count. So why oh why do I constantly feel separated and alone? I am grieving for the loss of some very dear friends that I am no longer close to. But I am also surrounded by more love than ever before.

I know it is possible to be at peace in the midst of uncertainty and not give up hope. I have come so far in this area already in my life. But obviously I have more to learn. I’m pretty sure the trick is finding a way to laugh at it all.

Working on integrating poppy and my teen (Arin). Trying to rush that process in one meditation session created a slight madness that I’m not ok with. This will take time and patience. But it will happen and I’m thankful for the connections I do have with them now.

I’m excited for tonight! The boys are back home and we are starting the first of many of our Christmas traditions. Tonight we decorate the tree while watching elf. I’m making pancakes and yummy bacon (because we love syrup just like Elf). The boys love this tradition and I know that within a few years they will outgrow it. So tonight I’m savoring this time with them.

Life is a ride for sure. We will always have personality flaws to fix or trials to conquer. But when it comes down to it, we have so much to be happy about. Whatever we are facing, it could always be 100 times worse. I don’t think that means we should dismiss the feelings of anger or sadness that come up. Running from them and squashing them only produces shame. Instead I think we need to sit in the dark with them and allow them to overtake us even if it is only for a moment.  Once those feelings are heard and released we can truly let go of them. Maybe it doesn't work for everyone, but that is the only way I have been able to let go of fear and allow the light into my soul.

December 3, 2012

Loneliness vs. Alone

I have so many different personalities in me and I still feel lonely. Tori Amos

This weekend I took a road trip with the boys to Dallas to visit family I hadn’t seen in months. We stayed with my dad and stepmom and got to see my sister and brother and all of their crew.

I watched as my family did it’s typical get together thing. We gather into moving groups, catching up, giving the high spots of our lives and trying to appear like we all have our shit together. I do believe that some of it is genuine but mostly I feel like we are all broken. We are hurting so deeply and can’t seem to figure out how to lean on each other to get the love and grace we need from each other. It makes me weep. There is a very uncomfortable silence that sits between us. I have managed to break that silence with my siblings. I have chosen to be real with them and let them see the real me under the masks and in return their walls came down and gave me a peek into their worlds as well. It is so rare that we get to do this though. I can only count a handful of times with each. We are all horrible at staying in touch unless we can see each other in person.

But the one thing I saw so clearly this weekend is how powerfully toxic shame can be to the human soul and to family. It causes addiction, violence, isolation, and huge egos that have to be fed in order to stay in some sort of functional state with other people. We are all the same, we just play the game and comfort our wounds in different ways. And those band-aid behaviors are usually in conflict with the behaviors of the people we love most. Instead of seeing each other as mirrors to our own pain, we judge and lash out. We defend our way, think ourselves better and continue the cycle that separates us.

As I sat and watched this all unfold before me I wanted to scream out and I have to admit that I found myself falling into the pattern again too. But I wanted so bad to lift the veil over the eyes of my loved ones and allow us all to see each other without the masks, the addictions and false smiles. I believe family should be the place where you can lay all of that down and just be. Where you are loved just because you are you, no questions asked. You are accepted, fully and without judgment. It’s what I hope to give to my children and I still have hope that my own family can someday become that place for me. I love them all dearly and am choosing to let go of the past hurts and fears. I hope they can do the same. And I really hope with all of my being that we can all do the internal work we need to do to release the shame. Because until then, none of us will get there. The shame tells us we are not worthy of anything good, especially love and connection. Until we can release that belief, we will continue to follow the same cycles because we will not believe we are worthy of anything else.

I was already a bit wiped out going into the trip, but today I just feel so so tired. Tired to the bone. My energy is low and I’m trying desperately to find equilibrium again.

I think the solitude of my life is really beginning to get to me. The weeks I have the boys I spend a lot of time going through the paces on my own. Cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, disciplining, and trying to throw in a little fun and games too. But it feels like it’s all on me and I can’t stop or everything is going to fall apart. I guess technically I’m not alone, but it sure feels like it. I never saw myself raising children alone, just wasn’t in my paradigm. But life has done it’s thing and here I am. It’s not that I feel like a victim of this life…. No, I chose this road knowing it would be difficult. And I still believe that we made the best choices given the circumstances… but it’s just hard right now.

The whole thing makes me ponder the balance between loneliness and companionship. I know that we have to be able to stand on our own before we can ever think about having a healthy relationship with someone else. But I also know that companionship is a necessary part of being human. It’s a fine line between needing and wanting to be with someone. I have to keep a hawk eye on that part of me that starts any kind of “need” based behavior. It’s always a warning sign that something is off and needs healing.

I know there is a link in here that has to do with shame. I “know” in my head that I’m worthy of a great life and love and connection that fulfills me. But my inner selves still need healing to get there. Part of the ache of loneliness is the company of the self. If you don’t like yourself, well that makes being alone kind of shitty to say the least. I will get there, I know it. And I have a wonderful man who has continued to walk through life with me accepting me at every stage. In many ways he feels like home to me now. He is my place to rest my head, to just be and know I am loved fully. Our lives will soon be intertwined more and more and I look forward to the days of having him near me so often. I never want to take him for granted or take advantage of his love.

This whole post is probably disjointed and a maze of emotions and ideas, but it is what it is. It is me today, trying to sort through the pieces and make sense of the ache in my heart. But hope is singing softly in the background. She is not gone, she is just waiting for me to remember the light that burns inside of me and hold onto it once again.