July 29, 2013

Firsts and Lasts

I remember the First time I gazed into your eyes and told you I love you. Nina Simone was playing and I knew... I knew without a doubt something really good was entering my life.

It's poetic that the final clarity came in the same manner. Staring into your beautiful eyes it was clear. I love you but I have to let you go. My heart trembled and froze. No!! But it was a clear calling that I could not deny.

Firsts and Lasts are cruel. This shift is like a death but even more painful. Because we're both still around and we have to watch each other go on, living our lives with the pain and the joy. But as you told me yesterday, you are worth every moment of that pain.

The Last time I watch you play with my boys where everything feels natural. They don't know this is the last time. It feels out of time watching them laugh and giggle knowing they will never have this again... Not like this

Reminds me of sedona where we sat gazing up at cathedral rock. You said you were taking a moment because "I will never see this again. not like this" and you were so right baby. That was the last and I just didn't know it. 

The Last found note from you.
"I will always love you" glowing on my computer screen. I wept. I had to run to shut the door to my room so the boys wouldn't hear. Crumpling to the floor, I wept.

The last time I wash the sheets and your scent away. I fold your jeans and shirt delicately. Holding them to my heart and weep some more.

Why heart why? Why did we have to do this? Surely I misunderstood. Love like this doesn't come around often. Why? But a gentle voice tells me to hold on and reminds me that I didn't rush to this decision. It reminds me of the ache I felt every day that led to it's occurrence. Big deep breath. 

First night without "good night baby I'll see you soon"

First morning without "good morning baby I love you"

I don't feel like me without giving and receiving those messages.

We are losing not only a lover but a best friend because the lines are not clear. They cross cross like cracks in the pavement. And the friendship is so painful to separate. Right now it will only lead to hanging on. Can time heal that? Please tell me it can. Because the thought of my life completely void of you is too much to bare.

But even with the pain I would not erase one single memory with you.
I think of eternal sunshine of the
Spotless mind. Would I choose to erase your memories so that I could remove the pain? No way in hell. Instead I accept the pain as the pay for all the Joy and Love. This is just part of life. The yin/yang. It will be ok... With time and as you said the warm hands of life will surround us again.

In the end you were right I had to be true to myself and walk away because as incredible as we are it is not enough for me

I hate that

I tell myself to suck it up and deal. To choose to be happy with what is. And God knows I tried. I wore acceptance like an evening gown with grace and humility.

But it wasn't enough. My heart continued to sink daily at the absences of you in my life and with no hope of them being filled I knew I had to make the painful decision.

There is a place inside of me that can never be replaced by anyone else. I am cleaning up, covering the couches with sheets and preparing to shut that door for the last time. Oh that last time.

That last time we made love.

That last kiss outside your car. 

That last time we held each other in my room 

That last time I felt your fingertips against mine as I walked back in the house.

Those lasts were incredible gifts and are a testament to the love we shared. They are sealed in a box in that room in my heart. They are part of my light and hope now. 

I want to text you 


To let you know I'm thinking of you
That I still love you
But I can't

I had to rip the band aid to let you go
And now it feels like its hanging precariously from one tiny sticky part to the side of my leg.

Can I pull the rest off and shut that door to that place in my heart for the last time

The last time

I know I need to but I don't have the strength right now

It's such a beautiful place we created. So full of love and acceptance and comfortable silence when we were in it together.

In time I will be able to close it but today I'm tidying up a little more. It's what I do when I'm in stress as you know full well. I'm washing the dishes and going through the notes.. So many notes. I'm playing  all of our songs on the piano and taking my time to say goodbye.

I love you. I always will.

July 24, 2013

Join me in a memory?

Wanna go on a little adventure with me?

I want you to join me in a memory

It's been a long hard day and I'm pretty mad at myself

"Why can't I just be happy?" Has been playing on repeat and that sinking feeling is bouncing in the pit of my stomach once again.

The wind blows hard against my fingertips as we drive home. Hayden is quiet, peacefully watching the clouds shift as the sun begins to set in the west.

My eye catches the glow on his face. Magic hour they call it, but he is pure magic himself. That intense spirit caught in a 7 year old body. "How old is your soul little man?"

"Wanna go swing with me?" I ask 

A few butterflies twitch in my already anxious insides. What if he says no? What if he says yes? My little girl wants to go play. But unexpected pit stops don't often go over so well with the old soul sitting in the passenger seat. 

"I've gotten used to swinging, but I want to jump on the teeter totter"

"Sweet. Let's do it. We'll take turns"

As we pull into the park the fallen bodies of young and old trees bring tears to my eyes. Mother Nature's wrath claimed many friends last night. A silent prayer of thanksgiving for each sleeping beauty as we make our way to the swings.

The sickeningly sweet smell of rusty chain and wet sand transports me to happy childhood memories. 

The warm leather seat hugs my hips and holds me firm in its grip. 

Lean back hard... 
Lean forward softly

The wind picks up
Hair flying
And a grin I can't stop spreads across my face

This... This is freedom
This is childhood
This is fun!

Lean back hard... 
Lean forward softly

Higher and higher
Until that tingle starts 
At the bottom of your belly as gravity pulls you home
And your backside hops a little in the seat

Quick gasp of breath

Will I fall?

No no sweet girl. Just hold on tight and enjoy the ride. Feel the rush and the rise.

Stop Pushing..
Stop Pulling..
Lean back softly

Lift your feet and 
watch them top the trees

Let go and remember that this is what life's all about

Gravity does it's thing and brings you back to where you started. 

The old soul is watching and playing and singing with his own swing. And now it's his turn to play.

We race to the teeter totter for the coveted seat. He wins, of course. Energy and laughter fills our hearts. We bump and jiggle and wiggle and hop. Shaking ourselves into a frenzy. He is so free in this moment and so am I. 

We talk of eagles and elephants in the sky and inspect the insides of the newly fallen trees before making our way home to rest for the night. 

Hard times are a gift.
Children are a gift.
Courage and Perseverance are gifts. 

Thankful for it all.

Thank you for sharing that memory with me. It was one of my favorites. 

July 17, 2013


"The bigness of the world is redemption. Despair compresses you into a small space, and a depression is literally a hollow in the ground. To dig deeper into the self, to go underground, is sometimes necessary, but so is the other route of getting out of yourself, into the larger world, into the openness in which you need not clutch your story and your troubles so tightly to your chest. Being able to travel in both ways matters, and sometimes the way back into the heart of the question begins by going outward and beyond. This is the expansiveness that sometimes comes literally in a landscape or that tugs you out of yourself in a story." —Rebecca Solnit, The Faraway Nearby

This is so beautifully written and follows the shift that is happening in my spirit. The shift to let go of my biography and intimate relationship with suffering. I have been digging deep inside myself for many years now. Maybe it's time to go out and see just how big and wonderful this world is. Maybe it's time to be tugged out of my story and experience life with more ease. Mama ocean is calling me like never before. 

July 16, 2013


“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”

John Lennon

July 13, 2013


Feeling the sirens today. They call to me in the waves of discomfort. Familiar longings for connection that seems just out of reach and overwhelm at being a single parent.

"Something is wrong. I know it. You are a fool to trust."

"Joy is not yours to be had"

"Come back. We miss you in the depths"

"Revivals of spirit never last long"

I listen to them and greet them where they are. Blow them a kiss and tell them they are welcome to come play in the light.

Sinking into the strength of the turquoise lily pad, I point my face to the sun once again. Arms reaching playfully overhead with an arched back like a flower leaning towards its life source.

And in this place of connection with love, new words rise that are still difficult to hear, but feel wise and truthful.

"Don't confuse intensity with intimacy"

"If you don't ground yourself daily you will not have peace and joy. Make room for it"

"Stop looking outside yourself for happiness."

The path is bumpy but I can do this. I trust this wisdom.

Thank you God for your patience. 

July 10, 2013

Shape Shifting

You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully."  Tony Robbins

So much is happening over here! The past few weeks have brought lots of opportunities and challenges. It’s not that I’ve been working with an inordinate amount of “problems” or anything like that, but I have been taking on everything that comes my way with a sense of “what can I learn from this?”  All of these lessons have shaken me to my roots and it’s a really awesome thing.

I have also decided to jump back into the PTI world again at the graduate level. We held our first weekend gathering last weekend and man oh man did I learn and grow. Going back to that setting reminded me of how I felt returning the workforce after taking 4 years off to raise babies… Lots of self judgment and isolation and feelings like I had to “catch up” with everyone else. Within a few hours I had decided that I wasn’t welcome and had made a huge mistake in coming back.

But at the same time I saw a familiar pattern within myself. Because of my past with unhealthy communities and downright scary situations where I found myself in the midst of really harmful “group-think”, I am really good at sniffing out deception. This can be a good thing, but the gift is rooted in fear. And that fear tends to be very black and white. I can take a series of events and connect the dots in my mind until a well defined picture emerges that leaves me with only two options.. be manipulated and annihilated or RUN! And that is exactly how I felt this weekend.

But this time I decided to do something different. Instead of throwing up a wall and biding my time getting through the weekend, I decided to be open about what was going on in my mind. I was honest and told my group how I was feeling. And I became aware that I was limiting my power to two choices when really there was a whole array of options before me. I realized that I had been putting my mentors/teachers and the entire PTI program itself on a giant pedestal of perfection that was simply false. I recognized the positive changes that had occurred in me and so many of my friends because of the work we were doing and decided to not throw the baby out with the bath water. I decided instead to create my own safety, to take what works for me and leave the rest.

I’m really thankful that something inside me had to courage to work through all of that because I did glean a ton of wisdom in that experience of community that is just not possible to gather on my own. I am incredibly grateful for the souls that show up and commit to being vulnerable right alongside me and for my teachers that have the patience of saints and hearts full of love. As we are so fond of saying at the retreats “this shit really does work”.

Several pieces of wisdom have stuck with me from the weekend. There are so many and my analytical mind wants to make lists and rehash them over and over to make sure I don’t lose any of them. But that’s not practical and I have to trust that the big pieces floating to the top are what I need to focus on for now. I also have to trust that I can deal with whatever lies ahead on the path and that the wisdom and tools I need, will be there when I need them.

One of the big lessons is about letting go of our “biographies” and “choosing” who we want to be instead. The first step of all psychological work is going back to those broken places inside of us and correcting the false decisions and unhealthy behaviors that were created. It takes everyone a different amount of time to do that work and it’s tricky. It’s easy to get caught up in victim mentality when you’re going through it and to get stuck there. I think personally I have been stuck on the “shadow” level of work which comes next… dealing with the manifestation of behaviors that were created along the way. What I sensed this weekend is that I’m ready to step forward. I will always acknowledge my biography for what it is and the reason for why I am the way I am, but it’s time to focus on creating who I want to be.

When the shadow parts rise and trigger feelings of shame or fear I can allow them without wallowing in them. Instead of focusing on the suffering, I’m asking myself “how old does this part of me feel?” And then taking a moment to look that part of myself in the eye and assure them it’s all gonna be ok. To remind them I’m in charge, set limits and take care of getting all the help we need. I’m allowing myself to be seen, by me. I’m trusting that this will help the roller coaster of emotions and garner more peace and joy in my life.

Another lesson is that I create my own safety. I heard recently the analogy of trying to 
cover the whole world in leather or instead to wear leather shoes. I realized that working through this wisdom will lead me to a deeper sense of peace and carve out so much room for joy in my life. The past month I had an overwhelming urge to paint a visualization of my internal mother/womb. This was the beginning of this process for me. That painting went through many iterations, some childlike, some very dark and covered in black paint, and eventually a bold image that feels just right. I used the painting many times in my personal work over the weekend. It carries an intense energy and I’m really proud of myself for creating that resource.

Another interesting thing that happened over the weekend was a new found animal totem. I noticed that I was seeing a lot of woodpeckers on my walks and that they were coming up often in conversations as well. During my breath work a woodpecker came to me as a guide. Woodpeckers symbolize so many of the things I am learning about right now…. Limiting black/white thinking, Trusting, Movement, Returning to our roots and using our discernment to follow through with our plans. They are all about determination! The woodpecker taught me that trusting is a way of using my power and how to tap on my body to increase my vibration and pull out of the shame spiral.

The last big rock of wisdom that has stuck with me is the idea that we ARE ALL VERY ATTACHED TO OUR SUFFERING. And not only that,  but the idea that WE CAN LET THAT GO. Acceptance seems to be key here along with a really really strong belief that the universe is not out to get me. I believe through choice I can change my vision of the world I live in. Instead of seeing life as a path filled with land mines that I have to outsmart and navigate I can lean into that thing that has my back and trust that life is kind and has all of our best interests at heart. Fear tells me that’s all a load of crap but the deepest part of me that is filled with light jumps up and down and says “yes yes yes that’s it” when I say that idea out loud.

I believe happiness comes when we feel understood and seen, when we have a purpose and when we have the power to live that purpose. Seeing life as the playground of choice is really exciting and stirs me up in awesome ways. It makes me want to jump out of bed in the morning. I know obstacles will come, they are already here, but these perspectives shift everything into a picture of hope and not despair. I know my shadows will continue to rise, but there are always little tiny moments of choice inside the darkness. 

These moments are like pinholes of light that whisper for us to remember. Remember who we really are – awesome and unique souls on a quest to love and be loved. These pinholes of light remind us to follow through on our commitment to joy, and to look on the bright side.

I also believe the only way to keep this perspective is to make some healthy habits and new behaviors to reinforce it. This is the fun part where I get to try out some stuff and see what works. Writing them here is a form of accountability.

Each day I want to take time to list three good things about the day. This can be in my head but I really want to write them down.

Practice giving and receiving random acts of kindness. This week I’ve experienced both and I noticed a shift in my energy when they happened. One really stands out to me. I passed a stranger on a lunch run. As I ran by him he looked at me with a giant smile on his face and said “you know you don’t have to run. You have a beautiful spirit and body already. Take time to enjoy this day” It made me slow down and I felt seen on a very deep level. I want to give that kind of gift in return too.

Meditate daily – Receiving and Giving to the collective unconscious makes me feel a part of something greater than myself, it makes me feel seen and allows me to give back as well. A big part of meditation for me is practicing awareness without judgment. I have noticed that If I can just sit in whatever experience I am having with my observer, watching the emotions shift gives me faith and practice for dealing with those emotions when I’m not meditating.

And lastly – keep Moving! When I feel my vibration slowing it’s important to practice shifting that energy.  I’m learning to be a little gentler and less black/white about how I do that shifting these days too. I tend to either push really hard or just give up. I’m learning as I train for a marathon that I have to watch my heart rate and keep myself within an aerobic state or else I burn out. The same is true in so many areas. But the key is to keep moving with grace.