July 24, 2013

Join me in a memory?

Wanna go on a little adventure with me?

I want you to join me in a memory

It's been a long hard day and I'm pretty mad at myself

"Why can't I just be happy?" Has been playing on repeat and that sinking feeling is bouncing in the pit of my stomach once again.

The wind blows hard against my fingertips as we drive home. Hayden is quiet, peacefully watching the clouds shift as the sun begins to set in the west.

My eye catches the glow on his face. Magic hour they call it, but he is pure magic himself. That intense spirit caught in a 7 year old body. "How old is your soul little man?"

"Wanna go swing with me?" I ask 

A few butterflies twitch in my already anxious insides. What if he says no? What if he says yes? My little girl wants to go play. But unexpected pit stops don't often go over so well with the old soul sitting in the passenger seat. 

"I've gotten used to swinging, but I want to jump on the teeter totter"

"Sweet. Let's do it. We'll take turns"

As we pull into the park the fallen bodies of young and old trees bring tears to my eyes. Mother Nature's wrath claimed many friends last night. A silent prayer of thanksgiving for each sleeping beauty as we make our way to the swings.

The sickeningly sweet smell of rusty chain and wet sand transports me to happy childhood memories. 

The warm leather seat hugs my hips and holds me firm in its grip. 

Lean back hard... 
Lean forward softly

The wind picks up
Hair flying
And a grin I can't stop spreads across my face

This... This is freedom
This is childhood
This is fun!

Lean back hard... 
Lean forward softly

Higher and higher
Until that tingle starts 
At the bottom of your belly as gravity pulls you home
And your backside hops a little in the seat

Quick gasp of breath

Will I fall?

No no sweet girl. Just hold on tight and enjoy the ride. Feel the rush and the rise.

Stop Pushing..
Stop Pulling..
Lean back softly

Lift your feet and 
watch them top the trees

Let go and remember that this is what life's all about

Gravity does it's thing and brings you back to where you started. 

The old soul is watching and playing and singing with his own swing. And now it's his turn to play.

We race to the teeter totter for the coveted seat. He wins, of course. Energy and laughter fills our hearts. We bump and jiggle and wiggle and hop. Shaking ourselves into a frenzy. He is so free in this moment and so am I. 

We talk of eagles and elephants in the sky and inspect the insides of the newly fallen trees before making our way home to rest for the night. 

Hard times are a gift.
Children are a gift.
Courage and Perseverance are gifts. 

Thankful for it all.

Thank you for sharing that memory with me. It was one of my favorites. 

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