April 12, 2012

Big Strong Girl

Today I am:

Letting go of black and white thinking

Choosing not to panic and instead just sit with the current of emotions tiding through my spirit

Resting in the hope that I am exactly where I am supposed to be (even if it doesn't feel like it)

Focusing on gratitude for the gifts in my life

And listening to music that soothes me.. This song always does the trick.

It's not now or never.
It's not black, and it's not white.
Anything worth anything takes more than a few days
and a long, long night.

Don't push so hard against the world, no, no.
You can't do it all alone, and if you could would you really want to?
Even though you're a big strong girl
come on, come on, lay it down.
The best made plans are your open hands.

Rest your head.
You've got two pillows to choose from in a queen-sized bed.
Hold out for the moon
but don't expect connection any time soon.
Feel the light caress your fingertips.
You have just begun, the word has only left your lips.
Maybe in time, you will find
your arms are wrapped around the sun
you're wrapped around the sun.

Don't push so hard against the world, no, no.
You can't do it all alone, and if you could would you really want to?
Even though you're a big strong girl
come on, come on, lay it down.
The best made plans are your open hands.

April 11, 2012

Owning It

A good friend pointed out that I am very guilty of spewing disparaging comments about myself. She's right. I think it's my way of being humble. But the truth is it limits my potential. I can be humble and still own that I have unlimited potential to do great things in this world. Lesson learned..

Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

April 10, 2012

Letting Go

Letting go…So much harder than it sounds.

First a vision of a God on a throne, next a marriage.

Crumbling identity

Lost, alone on the edge of the abyss

And then what is this?

A tiny seed of self is found at the bottom of her soul.

Time and tending and the seed begins to grow, braver, stronger and stunningly beautiful.

But as she grows she pulls the weeds of her past up with her.

Taller and taller they choke the light she needs.

Pruning is necessary but scary business.

It means being seen, really seen, for who she really is.

Is it ok to be me, the girl on fire in so many ways?

I can’t let them see the roller coaster of feelings I ride daily.

Will they still like me if they see my bruised stem and broken leaves?

No I must hide behind this brush of hate, distrust and ambivalence.

What harm will it cause anyway?

A little more light winds its way in, pushing through the past, causing poppy to extend her reach a little further to the heavens.

A deep breath… a wider view.

Yes this is what she wants, freedom.

True freedom, room to spread her leaves and shine into the darkness.

Her leaves unfurl releasing the overgrowth surrounding her and she knows she has found her way.

She can see more thorns and sticky vines above and around her but the light is brighter than before.

She can do this with it’s help.

Day by day she let’s go of the obstacle before her and as she does a garden of flowers and trees becomes visible.

She sees that some of them are still hiding behind their own living barriers.

Poppy arches toward the sun and bows her blooming head just in time to lightly kiss the bloom next to her.

I love you she says with her eyes and sends a beam of hope to the root of her new found neighbor.

A wink and a nod and she returns home to tend her own soil.

Yes this is why she is here, to spread the light and hope that we can all let go. With enough love and courage we can enjoy the freedom of being seen together.