October 25, 2012

Love you more

You see more than I show
And accept the full vision
Your breath has blown down the internal wall
Kindling the passion that sat waiting to be blown into flame
Your touch
Your kiss
They haunt my thoughts
I pause throughout my day to take a moment and soak in the memory
My heart fills once again
How can I ever let you know just how much I love you?
A quick text
But it's so trite compared to the actual feeling inside.
Another memory fills my mind
Poor choices made that hurt you
I am sorry
Again the words are trite compared to the feeling of guilt and sadness inside.
How could I be so selfish and immature?
I must make amends.
Stand and be true.
Let go of ridiculous habits that lead to hurt.
You are worth it.
My boys are worth it
And mostly I am worth it.
I let go of the guilt and shame and step into the light.
It will guide me and give me strength to find a new way.
Thank you for accepting me and loving me.
Again such trite words.
But they are true and full of gratitude.
I love you.

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