October 3, 2014

Slow down little camper

Last night I was in a flurry cleaning up my art space. Tidying here and there and getting things just right. Roland came in and asked if we could read together. I so wanted to honor his request but I also really wanted to finish what I was doing. “Five minutes” I said and went back to cleaning. I felt the tug, the rush to quickly get it done and the struggle to stop and join the boys on the couch to read. As I sat there, I felt my energy as chaotic and frenzied. And then I picked up my book and read this passage. 

“So many of us try to fill every second with noise or clutter or thoughts that clamor to be spoken even before we have finished our last sentence or before we have really listened to the one speaking to us.

When you slow down enough to regularly experience this flow, you will find that serendipitous moments begin to happen more often, and your intuition leads you to the people and places you need to connect with.

It’s wonderful to dream big but it’s also easy to get ahead of ourselves. Creative people are often buzzing with ideas, jumping ahead of themselves with excitement over an epiphany, only to wish later that they had slowed down a little, thought thrings through or waited for the right opportunity to let their idea bloom.

Sometimes our brilliant ideas are like little rough stones and we need to polish them for a while to see the fiery opal inside.

Patience, grasshopper, patience. I feel your creative yearnings. I feel them in my heart. 

Cultivate the stillness within and know that it’s all possible.”

 Tracy Verdugo Paint Mojo


Well that was exactly what I needed to hear. Life is so full of possibility and I find myself rushing from one thing to another even when I don’t need to be. Today I have practiced slowing down. Even as I type these words, I am choosing to move my fingers slower and be more conscious with my words. It feels better (and I make less mistakes. Nice!) 

Rushing is an old pattern that adds to anxiety and stress.

I am noticing that the slower pace feels REALLY GOOD in my body and my spirit.

I even stopped on my lunch run to notice the sway grass blowing in the downtown wind. It was a beautiful calming moment that I would have normally run right by.

I also see the gift in my ability to multi-task and get things done quickly. The balance is saving that ability for the true emergencies!

I love how the universe swoops in sometimes and points you to just the right message. Thank you Tracy for writing such a lovely book and thank you Roland for asking to sit by me and read. It’s one of my favorite things to do with you.

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