August 11, 2013

What is True for you, Right now in this Moment?

Friday afternoon this question came to mind as I stared into the bathroom mirror. 

Soul gazing with myself the answer came 

"You are exactly where you are supposed to be, even if it is uncomfortable"

A deep breath and that truth coursed through my veins. Hope and acceptance filled me and a level of peace.

Throughout the day I felt inspired to ask that same question to passing strangers, friends and family.

The answers brought more peace, more hope and an awareness of how similar we all are at our cores. And thankfully the answers brought laughter as well!

Here are the anonymous answers.  

C (security guard): I am a people person. When no one goes through this gate my energy drops. But when I see smiling faces and hear hellos it lifts me up inside.

C: I love you. I love my kids.

K: I am grateful

J: No matter how frustrated you get with your kids you always end up missing them after leaving the house to just get away for a bit.

E: I really believe there are people left in the world that re purely good. They just have to be sought after and maybe loved a little harder on.

E: Truth is uncertainty

B: Right now, I am scared shitless, in love and terrified of being hurt.

C: I am bloated and trying not to fart!

B: Fear of releasing the fear of not knowing.

P: I want my life here to have meaning and purpose that will be lasting.

D: I love my kids and husband dearly. I love being outdoors I love food (probably not a good thing) Hate that I can't stay focused and lose weight.

J: I might be in love with someone who is totally perfect for me, but also totally not.

C: I feel relaxed right now. It is cloudy and I am enjoying the company of my girls as we wrap up a delicious late lunch.

L: I hate having strange people around me. I am surrounded by them now (rephrased to give anonymity)

J: I am a good writer. And I want something delicious to eat.

W: The existence of the substance of things unseen but hoped for is a reality. Through vision, ambition and drive the humility of faith is strengthening.

H: Nature puts me in perspective. The simple beauty that is but complex in needs. It seems effortless but rain, sun, air, bees.. so much needed to thrive. I thrive but need things to do so also, friends, love, humor, compassion, relevance.. so much shapes what we are and what others see

M: I love my girls unconditionally even if I may get angry or mad their hearts are always forgiving and loving. I've been a mean PMS mama this week.

E: I am becoming closer to God.

M: Love is all that makes my life worthwhile, and at the same time it is tied to pain that is almost too much to handle. Lots of mixed emotions these days.


J: I am ready for all the kids to go back to school. I feel disorganized.

L: I am loved

I hope to add to the list. If you have a truth that you would like to share, feel free to contact me and I will add it above.

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