March 6, 2014

How I play

The past few months I have found a paradox with this word.

I have been setting weekly goals to “make play a priority” “carve out space for joy”

As the weeks roll on I find myself pondering how to make that happen. 

How do you put Joy in the daytimer?

When those heavy and sad emotions show up the idea of play/joy seems like solving quantum physics.

But as my mood shifts and things lighten up, I find the knuckles pinking up and a silly grin across my face.

I notice the little moments where I am chasing the boys around or watching silly youtube videos about cats. 

I notice the spring in my step and the hairbrush in my hand as I wiggle to 80’s dance music. 

Play is back.

This morning I woke from the most amazing dream. It was full of PLAY. Art school classes, amusement parks found in the middle of the woods, classic night at the drive in with everyone dressed to the hilt drinking cheap champagne and kids working the concession stand. 

I felt so so good.

I often hear that life should be lived by following your joy; that you can trust those things that light you up inside. 

When I’m in a stressed or somber mood it’s hard to remember exactly what those things are. 

I think that’s why I feel so incredibly grateful for the dream last night. 

It reminded me of who I am and what I love. 

It reminded me that I DO know how to play… That I have passion and zest!!! 

It reminded me of what I need to follow.

It’s pretty simple really….

My joy comes from connection with other souls, flaming my curious nature by learning creative ways to express myself, finding lost treasures and adrenaline pumping adventures. 

The icing on the top is celebrating it all with the people I love. 

Hell Yes!

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