August 20, 2014
I want to remember
August 8, 2014
Checking in on my word of the year
At the beginning of the year I set an intention to take full responsibility for my life. I chose CONSCIOUS COMITTMENT as my focus for 2014.
No big deal. Right?
I have to laugh at the thought.
But truly that commitment shifted my life in a super positive direction.
And I can honestly say I have worked every single day to make it happen
(even the dark, depressed, lazy, didn’t get shit done days)
Because even on those days, I learned something about myself and the people I love around me.
I learned how absolutely abundant my life is (if I open my eyes and look for it!)
I learned that when I fall I can totally get back up again.
I looked back through my commitments that I posted here in January and tears filled my eyes. Many of them I had forgotten but I had been living. Wow!
Like being grateful and seeing opportunities no matter what my outer circumstances look like. This way of being is a daily part of my life.
Like honesty in communication. Speaking the truth and allowing others to do the same without judgment. This is so incredibly hard. But it is life changing. The release of energy (anxiety) that I feel from simply being honest is a gift. I am grateful for the times when I was too scared to tell the truth and my friends and family called me on it. I saw how much pain was caused by withholding my truth. It was an incredible lesson.
This year I have learned how to STAY. I am not perfect, but deep inside I have the skills. I always have. But now that I have experienced that deep feeling of peace from breathing through a really hard moment, the ability will never leave me. I practice this daily too. When I run, in difficult relationship moments, when I am tired and hormonal and just want to take a nap and my child needs me, I practice staying. I stay with myself and love the part that just wants to run. And then we have the strength to STAY with others.
I look back at all of this with gratitude and joy. I am humbled by the power of commitment.
Che and I have started something that requires us to each look at our unconscious comittments and set new ones. I am still processing what that looks like for me, but I will be making them concrete soon.
Without the connection to divine peace none of this would be possible. Today I joined over 100,000 souls online to meditate for world peace and felt that overwhelming peace flood through every cell of my body. What a gift!
I have no idea how to wrap this up except to say, Hell Yes!
Much Love to anyone who finds their way here.
I wish you peace
I wish you joy
I wish you harmony
I wish you love