May 6, 2014


"We need to teach the next generation of children from day one that they are responsible for their lives. Mankind's greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice. We can make our choices built from love or from fear." Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Some days just hurt, ya know?

I find myself in a period of transition and birth.

Having birthed two children I can say with clarity, it takes courage, energy and patience.

And there is no epidural for emotional birth

Something has awakened in my spirit

It is a cry from my deepest self, to start living the life I crave

My desires show up in the little aha moments of inspiration, in jealous flares, as aching longing, as flutters of gratitude.

I think they have always been there, I am finally understanding what they are

Pain is opportunity


It is very difficult to walk with that awareness when it burns and drops you to your knees

When the alarm clock buzzes and the reality of another long day in the office weighs on your chest like a tank.

The opportunity is the choice to decide what to do about that feeling

I can roll around in misery and self-flagellation for not following my heart sooner


I can birth something new

I can use the pain to find the energy to persist in the creation

And the real trick my friends…

Is moving forward with grace for the realities of life



Small achievable steps

This is the way

And when I stumble and the weight of the tank is so much to bear that I can barely look my lover in the eye

I look myself in the eye and say

“you can do this sweet girl”

“I know you’re scared and it seems like it’s all too much right now”

"But You CAN do this”

“You are brave”

“You are strong”

“You are wise”

“You can handle any situation that comes your way”

“Keep moving”

“Keep dreaming”

“Let the love in”

“Find the joy in the journey”

"Smell the flowers”

“Notice the light”


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