Poppy: I feel alone. I'm afraid he doesn't love me anymore. I know it’s silly. Nothing happened but I’m just scared and lonely.
Strong One: Oh sweet girl… he loves you more than you can possibly know.
But I love you even more and I have a secret for you...
We can’t change or control how much anyone loves us or how they treat us. What matters is that I’m here for you anytime you need me. I love you to the moon and back. I know you.. all of you and I think you’re amazing. You are strong and courageous, beautiful, funny and crazy smart. You love animals and drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick. You love to paint and sing and move to beautiful music. I know all your secrets that you are scared to tell anyone. I love your tangled red hair and dirty cheeks and sweaty little hands and feet. You don’t have to hide anything from me because I love it all and I will never hurt you or leave you.
Poppy: But it’s not the same… I want him to love me.
Strong One: I know baby girl… you have a big hole in your heart from the first man you ever loved. You loved him with everything you had and when he left it broke your little heart into a million pieces. You decided that there must be something wrong with you. But what you don’t understand little one is that he had to leave. He had to go find himself. It wasn’t about you. He never stopped loving you. You are his baby girl and always will be. You are so special and you are a bright light in this dark world. You love with everything you have and give like there’s no tomorrow. Don’t let other people’s behavior mean anything about who you are. Go on and love love love. So pick up your chin and smile. Go out in the sun and let your beautiful red hair shimmer and shine. Twirl… spin your skirt.. dance… jump.. climb rocks… swim.. move with the wind and let your light shine. You are a special gift to this world.
Come close and let me whisper something in your ear. I have a secret mission for you? Are you ready?
Poppy shakes her head yes, curls up in my lap and looks at me with wonder in her eyes..
Strong One: Here it is… go out and show everyone you can that they have that same light burning bright in their hearts too. Everyone gets sad and scared when bad things happen. You’re not the only one. And some people get so scared they give up and choose to live in the dark. But when you smile and look them in the eyes and shoot that laser beam of love into their hearts, a magical thing happens. Hope shows up and sparks their light too.
Poppy: Ok.... But what if he leaves? I have this terrible feeling that everyone is going to leave me. That something is wrong with me.
Strong One: There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfectly human and worthy of all kinds of love. But you must let go. Let go of tomorrow. Because nothing is forever. Things change and it's ok. You will always have what you need. If you spend all of your time worrying about him leaving, you are missing out on him while he's here. Let go and love. Trust that you will be ok. Let you light shine and soak in the light of those around you. Listen to their words, feel their embrace and let it fill your heart with even more love. Life is a big circle of giving and receiving. If you cling too tightly it breaks that perfect system and doesn't give anyone the space they need to be able to love. So let go of the fear of tomorrow and hold on to the hope of love. You have seen it at work and know how powerful it is. It changes everything. So let go, it's ok. I'm letting go too.