July 11, 2014

365 days

365 days ago I set out on a journey to document gratitude.

I made a commitment to jot down the little moments in each day that filled my heart with thanks. I used the Day One app to record these moments along with a picture for each day.

Today I noticed it has been a year.


There were days I had to dig so deep to find something to write.

And that I believe is the gift of sticking with this commitment.

I learned that every single day is a gift.


Even on days where I felt like my whole world had been turned upside down, there were moments of love and always always always OPPORTUNITIES to grow.

Looking through these images I want to hug that girl looking back at me. Thank her for never giving up and CHOOSING to take the path of love and courageous risks.

I see her strength.
I see her passion.
I see her joy.
I see her play.
I see her fierce love.

Most of all

I see the gifts surrounding her and the amazing life she gets to live.

The seasons come and go along with the triumphs and failures. I am thankful for the chance to live them all with love.

July 3, 2014


"beware of looking for goals: look for a way of life. Decide how you want to live and then see what you can do to make a living WITHIN that way of life." Hunter S. Thompson

This morning I experienced a moment so kind and gentle in my kitchen. A deep sadness had swelled in my chest. Tears began to form in my lower lids and I had no idea why. 

A deep breath and a new choice. Instead of digging for the reason or berating myself, I spoke the truth to Che and allowed myself to cry.

He held me gently and said I love you.

A few moments later Timmy came in to say good morning and get breakfast. His beautiful spirit shining like always. He looked at Che and said "I love you" and they shared a hug. He then looked at me and said " and I love you, my stepmom" (a new fascination for his vocabulary) 

My heart swelled and I gave him a hug. He gently touched my hair and said again "I love you, my stepmom".

These moments are common in our home. Timmy has a way of bringing us all back to the things that really matter in life. 

In all of my striving and desiring to live a beautiful life, I realize I am already living one. Yes I have dreams of changing my work into my passion. But savoring moments like this morning, gives me strength to take that journey. 

Thank you Che and Timmy for loving me so fiercely and making my life so sweet. 

I love you both, madly. 

July 1, 2014


“And so he told me his secret formula for happiness. Part one of the two part plan was that I should just get on with ordinary life, living it day by day, like anyone else. But then came part two of Dad's plan. He told me to live every day again almost exactly the same. The first time with all the tensions and worries that stop us noticing how sweet the world can be, BUT THE SECOND TIME NOTICING. And in the end I think I've learned the final lesson from my travels in time; and I've even gone one step further than my father did: The truth is I now don't travel back at all, not even for the day, I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day, to enjoy it, as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life."

 About Time


Last night we watched About Time. Such a great movie. I love time travel stories. Mix it with the search for joy and  love and I’m in.

This morning I remembered writing “Make time to Play” in my day planner a few months ago and how foreign a concept that was. I remember the struggle as week after week I would see that “goal” come and go and feel frustrated that I was missing the point.

This movie so beautifully portrayed what I had been missing. The joy is in surrender. Finding peace with what has been, what is and what is to come. Looking each other in the eye (especially on hard days) and celebrating the life force that flows in our bodies.

I have a dear friend who is deep in struggle. Today as she shared her grief with me I stopped and hugged her. I think it’s the first time we’ve ever really hugged. I could tell it startled her but then she relaxed and let that love in. I am thankful for the reminder to let go of the every day patterns and follow my heart.

I feel a little extra spring in my step today; an awakened boldness and joy. Thank you inspiration for finding your way to me once again.