So Much Has Happened !!!!!!!!
And it’s been so so good my friends.
We moved into our new home at the end of February. We had a week to get my things settled and build two bedrooms in the garage. We rocked it. It was stressful, I won’t lie and I maaayyyy have pushed myself a little too hard. But sometimes life requires us to push past our edges and push we did.
We are far from finished and we have so many fun ideas and projects in mind to keep us busy for months to come. But I’m finding it feels really good to relax into the giant project plans and TRUST that we will get everything fixed up just the way we want it in good time.
I have to say that I so enjoy sharing a home with Che. Our creative spirits work side by side. We have a lot of fun bouncing ideas off of each other. We have managed to come up with some great DIY budget friendly solutions. We took a 3 bedroom house with a basement and managed to make a 5 bedroom house that includes a large art studio. In time we will be adding a sun room as well and we have a really cool idea for that project! I plan to share all of the details once we get started.
So far my favorite projects are the duct tape walls we made for the boys and this awesome upcycled dining room table that Che made using wood that was left at the house. So awesome!
About a month after we moved into the house we went on a trip half way across the country and said our vows in the most beautiful setting – right off the hiking path in Red Rock Canyon.
We were surrounded by Che’s sister and her family and our dear friends Lori and Ike. It was such a gift having loved ones with us and I truly felt our loved ones back home with us in spirit as well. For me the best part was being able to be so present as we made our commitments and promises to each other. My normally sweaty hands were bone dry. I was at peace and so happy to begin the journey with Che. Yes our journey really began several years ago, but now there is no turning back. Only forward.
Our minister was absolutely wonderful. Roland August - we love you and thank you for making our day so special. I knew he was a great fit when he asked us to choose our own spot to stand and when he asked us all to take a deep breath before we got started. He gave us a beautiful blessing and manifestation for a happy life together. He also noticed the dragonfly that sat perched on the rock near us during the ceremony. Another blessing from the universe!
Our honeymoon to California was pleasant but entirely too short for what we planned. Next time we will take more time and plan for time to relax. You live and learn.
The past few months have been full and yet my heart has taken on another project and won’t let go. I feel a MAJOR calling to begin a career that is in line with my life callings and less about simply making a living. I am taking big steps and choosing risks carefully to make it happen. I have ideas and plans mapped out in my 90 day Project planner (so type A I know) The idea is worthy and definitely has a market here in Tulsa. I will share more as I take more steps! This is really BIG and awesome!
The boys are doing well adjusting to all of the change. They enjoy the woods behind our new home and “living in the country” as Roland puts it. He told me last night that he had missed the quiet while he was away at his dad’s last week. We are all adjusting to the changes and learning how to be a family. We have already created a special recipe that is new to all of us. French toast waffles,who knew? Our home is full of boy energy and creativity. It takes grace and patience to learn to live with each other, but it is going really well! The boys and I find time to hang just on our own as well. We still go to Chimi’s on Wednesday nights when they are with me. On nice evenings we eat on the patio and catch up on life. I love the funny little habit we have created of watching silly cat videos on youtube while we wait for our food.
Life is busy. Life is good. I wouldn’t change a thing. Thanks for catching up with me.